暦上で春が始まる日であり、「二十四節気」の最初の節気です。 二十四節気は、太陽が動く道である黄道を24等分して名称をつけたもので、季節を知るために用いられます。 立春は太陽が黄経315度の位置に来た日と定義されています。
One of the twenty-four qi. The day when spring begins on the calendar. Around the 4th day of the second month of the solar calendar. The day after Setsubun.
It is the day when spring begins according to the calendar, and the first of the 24 solar terms. Nijushisekki is a division of the ecliptic, which is the way the sun moves, into 24 equal parts, and is used to know the seasons. Risshun is defined as the day when the sun is at 315 degrees ecliptic longitude.